Aches and Pains

Aches & Pains

Throughout your life, aches and pains will come and go. However, sometimes those niggles come, but never seem to go. Instead, they slowly get worse, no matter how much you ignore them or try to mask them with paracetamol. At Thrive, we offer physiotherapy for pain, wherever it occurs in your body.

Women’s pain is routinely dismissed or underestimated by doctors, meaning you might put up with pain for far longer. Thrive aims to change this health disparity by providing physiotherapy for pain, by women for women.

At Thrive, we take a holistic approach to your aches and pains. We’ll provide physiotherapy that targets the site of pain and the underlying causes of it too. Pain is very rarely tissue damage. In fact, more often than not, is a sign some muscles are working harder than others.

Your body will change a great deal over time, and this can impact your pain. From pregnancy, to breastfeeding, to menopause, your hormones and changing shape will impact your muscles and your body, causing pain. To understand you and your pain, we at Thrive will provide a detailed assessment on your first appointment. We’ll review your body’s journey and assess you as a whole, rather than just the area of your pain.

We’ll take time to explain the reasons behind your aches and pains. This will help you better understand your body and, in turn, how to prevent the pain from occurring again. Our aim is to make sure your pain never returns again!

With this detailed understanding of your body and pain journey, we can pinpoint the reason why you are in pain. Then, we can provide you with a tailored treatment and a detailed therapy plan that addresses your needs and helps you get back to doing what you love. Your physiotherapy programme will help treat your pain through manual therapy, exercise, stretches and advice.

You do NOT need to live with your pain. Let Thrive help you to get moving fearlessly once more. We offer Physiotherapy for women in a safe and inclusive environment. You’ll be listened to and understood by an experienced and empathetic physiotherapist in Sheffield.


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