Bladder leaks are more common than you may think…
In fact, 1 in 3 women will develop incontinence, such as bladder leaks, in their lifetime. But, just because bladder leaks are common, this does not mean they’re normal.
There are two types of bladder leaks;
Urgency incontinence is a common bladder concern for women. You may experience leakage caused by a sudden, overwhelming desire to go to the toilet. In this case, the bladder becomes easily irritable and wants to empty NOW!
Stress incontinence is leakage caused by an increased sudden pressure on the bladder from exercise, coughing, sneezing, laughing, or lifting, which the pelvic floor struggles to counteract.
What causes bladder leaks?
Bladder leaks, or incontinence, are often caused by a number of factors. Some women believe leaks are caused by a weak pelvic floor. But this is not always the case.
Posture, pregnancy, menopause, high impact exercise, stress, age and lifestyle can all contribute to a leaking bladder. Even wearing the wrong bra size can cause bladder issues! This is because the wrong bra size may leave your breasts feeling unsupported when you move. As a result, this will place pressure on the pelvic floor muscles, causing them to grow tired and overworked.
Tired, overworked muscles cannot work optimally, so you may experience bladder leaks without realising the origin of the problem.
Finding the right treatment
Even though bladder leaks are common, many women do not seek help for a long time due to shame or fear of being dismissed by their doctor.
But, the great news is that with the right treatment you can overcome bladder leaks and regain your confidence once again.
It starts with the right treatment. We’d suggest you look for a women’s pelvic health specialist, like a women’s physiotherapist. They will take time to listen to you about your bladder concerns. And they’ll fully understand your journey before taking a detailed assessment of your body to understand the cause of your incontinence.
A pelvic health specialist can create a tailored rehab plan for you, to ensure you get back to moving fearlessly and leak free once again.
At Thrive Physiotherapy in Sheffield, we help women overcome bladder leaks and other issues like pain, prolapse and menopause symptoms. When you visit us for a 1:1 consultation, we’ll assess how your pelvic floor is working with the rest of your body. And we’ll review what other muscles may be impacting your pelvic floor’s ability to support your bladder.
We also run a PELVIC STRENGTH CLASS at TRIB3 Sheffield.
Our Pelvic Strength Class in Sheffield will help you take control of your body and feel stronger than ever! This specialised exercise class focuses on full body, pelvic floor exercises that build strength, stop leaks, and boost your confidence – all while having fun in a supportive community.
Our Pelvic strength class in Sheffield is fun, inclusive and effective. Whether you’re dealing with pelvic floor issues like incontinence, prolapse, or pain, or simply want to maintain a strong pelvic floor, this class is for you. We combine pelvic floor exercises, breath work, bodyweight strengthening, aerobic workouts, and core-focused movements to give you a full-body, results-driven experience.
Here’s what you can expect
– Strengthen Your Pelvic Floor: expertly designed full body approach to pelvic floor exercises that targets and strengthens your pelvic floor to work in harmony with your body.
– Relief from Leaks & Prolapse symptoms: Say goodbye to leaks, feelings of heaviness, and pain with targeted exercises that work to strengthen your pelvic floor.
– Post-Pregnancy Recovery: Reconnect with your body and safely regain strength with exercises designed for post-pregnancy recovery.
– Feel Stronger & More Confident: Each class leaves you feeling empowered, with hints and tips after class on how you can maintain a strong pelvic floor in your day to day life.
Want to know more?
We’d love to hear from you! Email us at or contact us on Instagram to chat through any concerns or issues you may have. We’ll happily advise you on the best treatment to help you overcome your issues, regain fitness and build confidence.
You can move fearlessly again. You can thrive!