Thrive Physio services for women in Sheffield

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Thrive Physio offers a range of services to women in Sheffield.

If you’re new to Thrive Physio – welcome! We help women in Sheffield overcome issues like bladder leaks, pain and Menopause symptoms.

Thrive Physio was founded by Roisin O’Bentley. Roisin worked as a Physiotherapist for the NHS for many years. But, when she experienced pelvic floor issues after the birth of her second child, she found there was a lack of support and information for women like her.

Roisin explains…

“I worked as a Physiotherapist in the NHS for many years. Yet, when I had pelvic floor issues after having children, I struggled to get the right support for my issues.

I worked on myself. I rejected traditional pelvic health approaches which hadn’t helped me. I tried, tested and refined different therapies until, eventually, I became leak free!

I understood that to help treat leaks or pain, I had to look at the whole, not just the pelvic floor. A dream evolved; to open a physiotherapy clinic in Sheffield to help women who are in the same situation I was. I want to empower women to move fearlessly again; listen to them, understand them and their journey, and provide nurturing, healing and empowering care. No woman should have to live with pain or leaks!

Thrive Physio in Sheffield

Thrive Physio runs two clinics in Sheffield; one in Sharrow and one in Nether Edge. These clinics are for women only – they are safe, inclusive and supportive.

As lead Physiotherapist, Roisin draws on her own experience of pelvic floor issues to offer an empathetic environment to all clients. Rest assured, when you visit Thrive, you will be listened to and understood – no question is silly and no topic is taboo!

Thrive also offers classes and courses aimed at strengthening the pelvic floor and building fitness.

Our Services

At Thrive Physio, we offer one-to-one Physiotherapy appointments to diagnose and treat multiple conditions.

Common reasons our clients visit the clinics include;

  • Bladder leaks (incontinence) – Incontinence issues are multifactorial and may not be due to a weak pelvic floor! We’ll take time to listen to your bladder concerns and understand your journey before taking a detailed assessment of your body to understand the cause of your incontinence. You’ll receive a tailored rehab plan with you at the heart of it to ensure you get back to moving fearlessly and leak free once again. At Thrive Physiotherapy, as we assess you as a whole, we will never offer a vaginal examination on your first assessment. Instead, we’ll assess how your pelvic floor is working with the rest of your body, and what other muscles may be impacting your pelvic floor’s ability to support your bladder.
  • Aches and pain – Women’s pain is routinely dismissed or underestimated by doctors, meaning you might put up with pain for far longer than you need to. Thrive Physiotherapy aims to change this health disparity by providing physiotherapy for pain, by women for women. At Thrive, we take a holistic approach to your aches and pains. We’ll provide physiotherapy that targets the site of pain and the underlying causes of it too. Pain is very rarely tissue damage. In fact, more often than not, is a sign some muscles are working harder than others. Your body will change a great deal over time, and this can impact your pain. From pregnancy, to breastfeeding, to menopause, your hormones and changing shape will impact your muscles and your body, causing pain. To understand you and your pain, we at Thrive will provide a detailed assessment on your first appointment. We’ll review your body’s journey and assess you as a whole, rather than just the area of your pain.
  • Prolapse – Being diagnosed with pelvic organ prolapse can feel overwhelming. You may feel like you can’t so much as sneeze without risking making the prolapse worse. You may not know what can help. But the good news is that often, prolapse is treatable with physiotherapy, without the need for surgery. A pelvic organ prolapse occurs when pelvic organs move from their usual place down into the vagina. This can happen due to changes in the vaginal wall following pregnancy, menopause or surgery. Prolapse usually causes symptoms of heaviness or bulging in the vagina, but can also make sex feel different or make it difficult for a tampon to stay in.
  • Menopause – Physiotherapy for Menopause can change your life and alleviate your symptoms. The menopause starts when the levels of oestrogen in your body start to fluctuate and drop. These changes can impact both your body AND your brain. They affect each person differently, meaning your Menopause journey is as unique as you are. The menopause is a journey NOT an illness! It will impact each woman differently, some may sail through it, whilst others may have life altering symptoms.

Who we help

Thrive Physio is available to women only. And here’s why…

Many women who visit our Physio clinics have been ignored or dismissed by GPs, had their pain minimised or felt ashamed of their issues. By the time they reach us, they’re often feeling sad, ashamed, embarrassed and downhearted.

We want to provide a really safe space for these incredible women; a place where they feel listened to and supported. No fear of judgement and the freedom to discuss any topic or issue. As a brand we aim to empower women with the knowledge and tools they need to continue their pain-free and leak-free journey long after they’ve left our clinics.

Thrive’s founder, Roisin, has appeared on BBC Radio Sheffield a number of times to discuss pelvic health. She also speaks regularly at women’s health events and local venues in Sheffield like the Sling Library.

Get in touch

Want to find out more about Thrive Physio and who/how we help?

Email us at and let’s chat…

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