Should you choose a women’s health physiotherapist? Or can any physio help?
A women’s health physiotherapist is specifically trained to help you overcome issues that only affect women.
This includes bladder leaks, pain, prolapse and the symptoms of menopause. The reality is that general physiotherapy training does not cover the pelvic floor muscle in any detail. Therefore, general practitioners may not fully understand the inner workings and the important job this amazing muscle does for women.
If you’re still unsure, here are 3 reasons to choose a women’s health physiotherapist;
1. They will listen to you
- * Around 1 in 3 women will develop incontinence over their lifetime
- * 40% of women have prolapse symptoms
- * On average, women wait 6 years to seek help for bladder concerns
The pelvic floor muscle plays a huge role in how women move. It absorbs shock, keeps us upright and even helps us breathe.
We use it every time we move. Yet many women don’t have the knowledge or support to strengthen their pelvic floor. As a result, they live with symptoms for years, and convince themselves this is normal. So many women who visit our Physiotherapy clinics in Sheffield tell us the same thing…they visited their GP or a general Physiotherapist and were dismissed, ignored or made to feel silly.
“I felt like it was all in my head”
“They said I’d had a baby, what did I expect!?”
“It’s normal to leak, isn’t it?”
These are some of the phrases our lovely clients used when they first visited Thrive Physiotherapy. These women had not been listened to or supported by general medical practitioners. And their confidence had taken a hit. Therein lies the value of a women’s health physiotherapist. They will listen to you – really listen and hear your concerns. You’ll feel understood and supported. Most importantly, you’ll receive targeted and effective treatment that will help you overcome the issues you’re experiencing.
2. You’ll feel safe
Thrive Physiotherapy is for women only. As a women’s health physiotherapist service, we believe this is paramount to making clients feel safe.
Women who visit our clinics say they immediately feel comfortable and welcome. They’ll see other women in similar situations, and sometimes even get chatting about their symptoms and common issues. We also run pelvic strength exercise classes for groups of women. In these sessions, there’s a lot of support and positive conversations.
Women leave our clinics feeling safe, supported and confident. Exactly as they deserve to feel!
3. You’ll get the right treatment
A women’s health physiotherapist will be able to assess any issues from a holistic perspective.
At Thrive Physiotherapy, we’ll assess your age, lifestyle, history and concurrent symptoms to identify and treat your pain. We’ll also review the role and functioning of the pelvic floor as this may be contributing to, or even causing, the pain.
When you visit a women’s health physiotherapist, you’ll be treated as a whole person and not just a pelvic floor. They’ll help you understand your body and why pelvic floor squeezes alone may not improve your symptoms. Then, they’ll create a tailored therapy programme to empower you and help you move fearlessly, without pain or leaks!
Find a women’s health physiotherapist in Sheffield
Thrive Physiotherapy in Sheffield offers one-to-one physiotherapy clinics for women, as well as group exercise classes at various venues across the city.
Owner and Lead Therapist at Thrive, Roisin O’Bentley says;
“I am Róisín, owner of Thrive Physiotherapy in Sheffield. I’m on a mission to help you live your best life, without the fear of leaks or pain!
After the birth of my second child, I started to leak when I laughed, ran or sneezed. I did my pelvic floor exercises religiously to no avail. I slowly stopped doing the things I loved, telling myself what I’d heard many times before: “I’ve had kids, what did I expect? It’s normal to leak now.”
Then, one day, when running for the train, I started to leak. A few drops turned into a flood down my leg. I was mortified. Did anybody notice? Did I smell? I cried. But, at that moment, I decided that this would NEVER happen to me again.
I worked on myself. I rejected traditional pelvic health approaches which hadn’t helped me. I tried, tested and refined different therapies until, eventually, I became leak free! I understood that to help treat leaks or pain, I had to look at the whole, not just the pelvic floor.
A dream evolved; to open a physiotherapy clinic in Sheffield to help women who are in the same situation I was. I want to empower women to move fearlessly again; listen to them, understand them and their journey, and provide nurturing, healing and empowering care. No woman should have to live with pain or leaks!“
Get in touch to book your consultation! Or email us if you have any questions…or simply fancy a chat.